Monday, January 02, 2006


Why am I a devoted fan of Catwoman? Why dose she spark my interest. I mean she's just a fictional character right. Why am I like so many fans who become connected to something, someone, or an idea? My conclusion for that is. One, I sort of see my reflection in her character. Two,'s just plain fun. It's fun to imagine and have a little escape from what ever I'm dealing with at the time. As a matter of fact I like to make up stories about her. I know that sounds weird but that's what I like to do. I am like most people who try to find a way to escape and my way is to make up stories about my favorite comic book character, Catwoman.
Like I said maybe this sounds stupid and odd to you. Personally I don't care. At least I'm not using abusive substances like drugs, alcohol and tobacco to help me escape. Those things scare the hell out of. All I ever saw from that shit was misery,pain, and suffering. When I was growing up I was under the influence of the sick and confused adults in my life. Why the hell would I let something stupid like meth, or alcohol let me out of control. Just so another ass hole can take advantage of me or for me to cause pain to the ones around me. No thank you. I'll just read about Catwoman kicking ass in her comics and making up stories of my own. While devoting my time to working hard and putting smiles on the faces that I love. Anyways, I want to share my story about my hero Catwoman and why I became such a big fan of this character.
When I first discovered Catwoman. My world was literally turned upside down. I was 11 years of age when my family was just split up and I was placed in a foster home. I came from a life of domestic violence, abuse and neglect, to a life that I had to figure out how fit in on my own. I had to learn how to heal my wounds quick if I was ever to catch up with the rest of the so called normal life around me. When I think of that time. Life then looked so warped and I feel nauseous when I do think about it. I felt like I was dropped of in the middle of no where with a road map written in Japanese.
Anyways, it was 1989 and I was staying in my first foster home. This place literally reminded me of the nursery rhyme "The Little O' Woman, Who Lived In A Shoe". There was this older woman about in her early 70's, running a foster home for "quote" 'little children'. I point that out because at the time I was 11 years and with my case issues. This did not agree with this woman. I guess at the time though there was no other place to go so there I went. Like a stray cat left on somebody's door step. She even had these two chow dogs that drooled and stunk like old wet rags. Spit and drool has always made me gag. I was totally uncomfortable here though. I felt so filthy, stupid and out of place here. My one escape was television then and believe me this place was not short of boob toobs. There was a t.v. in almost every room. I'm not kidding. That was kind of cool to me since I came from a home that only had one.
When I was escaping the real world by channel surfing. I came across the late 60's rerun series of Batman the t.v. show. Julie Newmar happened to be playing Catwoman in this rerun, and I was immediately drawn in to this show. I was simply amazed by Catwoman's character. To me Julie was the best out all three Catwoman. She was the 'It Factor' for Catwomans character. I could careless about the other villains. For all I care they could stay behind Gothems bars. From that point on, I became the loyalist Catwoman fan ever.
I also became a pretty big Batman fan. I thought he was pretty cool and when the movie came out in 1989 that only reinforced my fandom of the Dark Knight. Then of coarse it only got better when Tim Burton came out with Batman Return in 1991. O' you better believe it. I watched it in theater and it was worth every dime. Michael Keaton returned as Batman. Danny DaVito played The Penguin (he was so purrrfect for the part), and (drum roll please) Michelle Pfiffer as Catwoman. MEEOOWOW! I loved her. In the movie Catwoman doesn't fall along with the comic story but Tim Burtons version was breath taking none the less. I became a big fan of Michelle ever since then. I loved the way Selina Kyle unraveled before our eyes. The scene were she take the iron skillet and smashes everything. I've been in that place in my life. When I felt so betrayed, that you don't know how many times that I wanted to do that. When I saw her do that. It's almost as though Catwoman was doing it for me.
Lately I've been collecting Catwoman comics. When I started reading her stories. I realized how much my life parallels with hers. She and her sisters where born to a disfunctional family. Her father was an abusive alcoholic and her mother was a suicidal manic depressive. My mother wasn't manic but believe she was battling depression and my abusive father only made things worse. This combo doesn't sit to well together. In the story Selina Kyle's (Catwoman) parents die. Leaving her and her sisters to survive in an orphanage on the East End of Gothem City. A not so pleasant end of neighborhood. Eventually Selina and her sister Holly run away from the orphanage to take their chances in the streets. Later with no other choice, they become prostitutes. This career ended shortly for Selina when her pimp raped her and left for dead. While she was recovering she watched Batman in her neighborhood defending the streets and was inspired by his costume and his movement. She vowed to herself to leave prostitution and never let a man hurt again. So she found a top of the line trainer and dawned her cat costume her pimp gave her and became Catwoman.
She started out as a thief but she has come to the conclusion that no matter what she steals she will never be happy. She will never find love in that. Now she has set aside stealing and has devoted her life to protecting the East End of Gothem. During the whole series her and Batman have had an love hate relationship.
I personally would like see them hook up together. Especially since Catwoman is taking on more of a hero role and less of a villain. To me they would be dynamic together. If Batman could see her side of things I think he would relies that they are both basically fighting the same battles, only with different points of views. I think they would be dynamic together. I love it when they fight together. I see them both as equals. Of coarse the romance part of it would be a nice little cat-nip to keep. I personally think that Robin should fly away and let Catwoman and Batman be the "Dynamic doles". They would do the job much better.
I think Catwoman and Batman are the greatest fiction heroes ever because they work harder and use their brains. I think they tell us that you don't have be born with powers to achieve the unthinkable. They also teach that good people are great when they help others in need.


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